Ernest Volkman Discusses John Gotti and the New Generation of "Yuppy" Mobsters.
Journalist Ernest Volkman. He and co-author John Cummings' new book "Goombata: The Improbable Rise and Fall of John Gotti and His Gang," chronicles the history of the mofia godfather once proclaimed the "Teflon Don." Since 1986, when Gotti took over the leadership of the Gambino crime family, he's been acquitted in three criminal trials. The latest was an assault and conspiracy trial in New York, in which he was acquitted February 9, 1990. Gotti became head of the multimillion dollar mafia empire after allegedly murdering Paul Castellano the reputed boss of the Gambino family. Volkman is a former correspondent for Newsday. Both he and Cummings have written extensively on organized crime. ("Goombata" is published by Little, Brown and Company).
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Other segments from the episode on April 9, 1990
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