He is currently senior fellow at the U.S. Institute of Peace where he is on leave from his position as Newsweek magazine's chief diplomatic correspondent. He is also director of American University's Crimes of War Project. Gutman won the Pulitzer prize in 1993 for his coverage of the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina, where he provided the first documented reports of concentration camps.
Foreign correspondent for "Newsday," Roy Gutman. He and his photographer were the first western journalists to report on genocide in a Serb-run concentration camp. Shortly after the story was published the camp was closed and the Red Cross let in. Their reporting led to public outrage, and official condemnation by the United Nations. Gutman won a Pulitzer Prize for this reporting.
National security correspondent Roy Gutman takes a look at the tense relations between the United States and Nicaragua, in light of the conflict between the Contras and Sandinistas. His new book about the topic is called Banana Diplomacy.