The Pulitzer Prize-winning writer is a former Vietnam War correspondent. In his new book "The Next Century," he contends that the 20th century is the end of America's economic dominance in the world. He questions the meaning of a victory in the Gulf when there are so many problems at home that we've delayed and ignored.
David Halberstam is a journalist and author who won the 1964 Pulitzer Prize for his reporting on the Vietnam War for The New York Times. Two of his recent books examine American values as expressed through sports: "The Breaks of the Game," about basketball, and his latest "The Amateurs," about rowing.
Journalist David Halberstam is best known for his work on the Vietnam War for such publications as the New York Times. Unlike many journalists, Halberstam reported from the countryside. Halberstam delivers a talk on television and contemporary politics as a SPEC (Social Planning and Events Committee) Connaissance Speaker at the University of Pennsylvania.